Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry First Christmas Noah!

Our first Christmas as a family was a great but busy one. On Christmas day my mom's family all came over (all 18 of us). We opened gifts, played our gift game where you steal and ate lots of food. Noah was a little fussy cause I think I over dressed him, opps. First time mom mistake. Then on Boxing Day we went out for lunch with my dad's family and came back to our house for dessert and the gift game. Noah was as good as gold. No over dressing for him that day.
Then it was Phil's birthday on the 28th. My family came over for dinner and cake. You are probably wondering where his family was since it was PHIL'S birthday. We celebrate his niece, brother and his birthdays all in Jan. So we will be doing that later on. It was a very busy holiday season. To top it off my poor baby boy is sick. He has a cold. He seems to be getting over it pretty fast. It was funny (i can laugh now at it but at the time it happened i wasn't too happy, lol), he kept waking up every 1/2 hour to be held and cuddled cause he wasn't feeling well. So finally at 5:30am he got up to eat. Instead of going back to bed he decided he wanted to laugh his head off at me and talk up a storm. He was so loud that he woke Phil up who was sleeping upstairs. And let me tell you, Phil is a SOUND sleeper, lol. I was "Noah, now is not the time". lol. It was too cute. I just have to keep an eye on him that he doesn't get a fever. Other than that that is about all that is new here. We hope everyone had a great holiday season and a happy new year! We are doing nothing!!! Enjoying it as a family.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Baby's First Needles

Last night Noah had to go to the dr. for his first set of needles (immunizations). Everything was going smoothly. He was getting weighed in (a whopping 12 lbs, 1 oz, he's my little piggy boy) and is 22.5 inches long. He gained 2.5 lbs and grew an inch since last time which was a month ago. The dr. poked and proded him and then it was time. He went to get the dreaded needles. I was totally fine with it. Phil who hates needles left.
Noah of course cried both pricks. Then I picked him up when all was said and done. He wimpered for a bit. Then we went to check if grandpa was at the dr. yet. Grandpa put the poor little guy to sleep. It was so cute.
When we got home, Noah was fine. Just a little clingy and wanted to be held all the time. I went off to bed and left Phil and Noah downstairs.
I fell asleep but then all of a sudden was awoken by Noah screaming/crying at the top of his lungs. It was a cry I had never heard before. After a while I went downstairs to see if I could help. Phil said he was sleeping in his swing when all of a sudden he was turning his head side to side and started screaming. Poor little guy. We have no idea what was the matter with him. We think he was dreaming or it was an after effect of the needle? Any suggestions or ideas about what was wrong? I had to change his diaper and he freaked out and was shaking, that's how bad he was crying/screaming. Then the little guy fell asleep in my arms. I went back to bed and he was fine for the rest of the night. He usually eats every 3 hours on the button with occasionally waiting 4 or 5 hours once a day. Last night he went from 10pm until 4am without waking up or eating (minus his little freak out at 11pm). Of course you would think I slept cause he didn't wake up for his 2:30am feeding, but I didn't cause I kept wondering "when is he going to eat". Maybe (fingers crossed) this is a sign he will go longer at night without eating.

Today my little guy is happy as anything (his normal self again). Last night wasn't too bad but I don't like having to go through it every two months for his needles. Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Baby's First Christmas

Noah is now 9 weeks old, almost 10. Shortly he will experiance his first Christmas. Everyone is very excited for this! We took a picture the other day of him to send out as our Christmas card. First time we are doing this, lol.
Noah is growing more and more every day. He is so much more aware of his surroundings and loves to smile. We play all day long in between naps. He is mommy's happy little baby.
Phil and I went out for the first time (besides leaving him with my mom to go shopping) without him on saturday. My cousin had a 30th birthday party. Phil's brother and sister-in-law came to babysit. I was sooooo worried all week long that he was going to be a good boy for them. As far as I know he was.
I can't wait until Christmas. I know he isn't old enough to understand, but it is still very exciting. We still have to go visit Santa. I should do it very soon.
On a side note, Noah will be going into his crib very soon. He is getting too big for the basinette. I'm a little nervous/anxious about it but will get over it as I know he has to do it sooner than later.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

6 Weeks Old today!

Baby Noah is 6 weeks old today. So far so good (knocking on wood). He is growing so fast. Sometimes it feels like he's been on this earth for ever, not just 6 weeks. And I must say he gets cuter and cuter as each day passes.
What do we do to pass our days? Lately since the weather has been nice we go for walks. He loves his walks and being out doors. Lets hope this continues into his toddler and preschool years.
I think back to when we were kids. We played hockey and basketball all night long (or at least until the street lights came on lol). I hope Noah gets to experience the same as Tom and I. Some of our fondest memories are going to fall fairs, playing sports, going to the zoo, etc.
I only hope Noah and his future siblings enjoy their childhood as much as we did.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Life with a newborn

It's an adjustment that's for sure. Noah has been a good baby so far. He sure lets you know what he wants. He is getting so big and he is only 3.5 weeks old. He eats ALL the time, lol. Takes after his daddy. We've had some good nights and some not so good nights. The not so good nights are only because he decides to stay awake and not sleep. He only cries at night when he is hungry, which I can handle and at least he doesn't cry for the sake of crying. You know what I mean? This is a short blog cause all Noah does is eat, sleep and poo. Not in that order per se. ha ha ha.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Introducing Noah Thomas

After a long grueling 9 months, Noah Thomas finally made his apperance on Sept. 30th, 2010 at 23:23pm. He was born one week early and had no intenstions on leaving his warm home. I was induced due to blood pressure. However, I knew that when I got to the hospital that morning, my blood pressure would be normal. Sure enough, it was normal. biggest fear? being sent home to wait it out. Thankfully they went ahead with the induction.
My day began at 6:30am that day as i had to get ready and then call the hospital to see if they were ready for me. After I got off the phone with them, someone rang the door bell, at 6:50am. Phil and I were "who the hell is that at this hour?" ha ha ha. He thought it was Tom, I thought it was the police. I opened the door, to Jackie standing there. My first intital thought, "aren't you in Thailand?" I was utterally shocked I didn't know what to say or do. I was "what are you doing here, shouldn't you be in Thailand"? Jack, "no you are having a baby today". WOW!! Now if that's not friendship, I don't know what is. Everyone asked Jack if she was here for any other reason and she answered, "nope, just here for the baby's birth". WOW! I am so appreciative of her and her surprising me and wanting to be here for us and for our new son, Noah. I will definately make sure he is reminded all the time about the day Aunt Jackie came all the way across the world just for him. He (and me) are very lucky to have someone like that in our lives. Thanks soooo very much Jackie. We will never forget what you did for us.
The birth part was hectic. I laboured for 8 hours, got to 10cm, pushed for 1.5 hours and Noah decided he wouldn't fit, so off to the OR I went to have a c-section. Which I might add I would take over labour any day. The recovery from that wasn't that bad for me. The nurses even kept coming in trying to give me pain meds but i was "i don't feel any pain".
It was a very interesting day that's for sure. But I am soooo happy I finally got to meet my baby boy and am very happy. Phil has been great throught the whole thing also. He comes home and holds Noah until they go to bed. The love in his eyes towards his son is heart melting. He already has told me he wants another. lol. Keep viewing/reading for updates on Noah and how we are getting along with life with baby.
Again, Thanks jack for being here for us. We hate to see you go! Hurry home soon.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

4 more weeks, I'm done right now lol

Well went to the dr. today. I have 4 more weeks to go which means i will be seeing dr every week. my dr does surgeries on thurs so when i saw him today i told him "i'll be seeing you tomorrow" at first he didn't get my joke and was "oh ya, ok" then when i said "do you have any openings for tomorrow?" he got it. lol. Then when i left i told him "don't forget, i'll see you tomorrow, oh ok, maybe next thurs" and he said "you want the lungs to develop a little bit more" then he said "be careful what you wish for" regarding wanting a c-section. I am so done being pregnant. To be honest, i haven't even had a bad pregnancy. No unusal pains but i hate having all these pains between the legs and lower abs. Yes I know that doesn't make sense but I'm saying I have had any complications (knock on wood). It's just so uncomfortable. It's more nerve racking being pregnant than anything. You worry about EVERYTHING when pregnant. Any time you go to the bathroom and check the toilet paper, you pray and wish for no spotting. then when time gets closer to your due date you worry about your water breaking and how you will know. My aunt said, "your underware will be wet" to which I answered "my underware is always wet" ha ha ha. I told my dr. about this wet problem and he says "it's normal" cause every time i tell him something he goes, "that's normal" ha ha ha. ok.
Phil is going to be a mess these next 4 or so weeks. I lost part of my plug (Jack, that is the plug that plugs your cervix and when it expells from you, you can have baby in 24 hours or 4 weeks from now). Told the dr about the plug thing, "that's normal". ok, just wanted to let you know lol. I also told him about some other stuff that i won't go into cause it's gross ha ha ha. And he said "your cervix is starting to open". YES!!!!!!!!!! Next visit i'm sure he'll look to see how much it has opened. It's so cool how my dr. grabs the head with both hands. I wonder how big he is. This time his head is "engaged" into my pelvis which is great news. It means he is ready. In other terms, the baby has "dropped".
We've decided on a name. Noah. Now for the middle name. We can't agree on that. Quelle surpirse. I think I better start packing so I'm ready to go.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

7 weeks and counting...I'm ready

That's right. I'm ready to meet my little one. I'm soooo curious to see what he looks like, how he is going to act, etc. We are starting to get his room together and buying stuff for him (finally!!) Phil has been very caustious with buying lots of stuff "just in case" something happens. Now he's on my ass about car seats and stuff, ha ha ha. It's like all of a sudden he realizes he's having a baby. (typical male). We have our crib (yeah!!) and in the next couple of weeks we will have our playpen (or as they call them now adays, playards) and a stroller. There is some very nice things out there.
Oh the other day Phil says to me "I don't like the name Leo. No one at work likes it either". So? I don't care what they think at your work. grrrrrrrrr. Now i'm like "what about thomas?" he goes "it's better than Leo". grrrrrrrrrrr. He ALWAYS tells me "don't be like other people" I should preach to him "don't care what other people think". I'm still going to push Leo. It's all of a sudden he comes up with this " I don't like leo anymore". In the end, we'll wait and see what he looks like when he is born. I hate hate hate trying to find a name that we both agree on. The problem is we can't agree on ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! If he was a girl we'd be all set, lol. I guess we have to wait to get a girl. Oh but who knows by then he'll be "I don't like the name Annie anymore" then i will have to kill him that way i can name our kids whatever the hell i want, ha ha ha.
I have a feeling I'm going to be the "bad guy" and Phil is going to give his son anything and everything he wants and I'm going to have to put my foot down. We've discussed all this and yes he believes our child can't be a spoiled brat by us (we can't control others, especially my parents, dad already pouts when mom won't let him buy a cars sticker book for the kid, ha ha ha). Anyways, I'm getting bigger by the second it seems. I also found out my last dr visit that he is due Oct 7th, not the 3rd like I thought. I'm going to have to discuss this with the dr. I only discussed it with the nurse so far. Anyways, my dr induces after one week overdue. So he will be here Oct 14th the latest. That's about all that is new here. I have another dr appointment on the 24th of aug. Oh we also dicided to bank his cord blood. It's actually really a great idea. My friend Kathyrn looks at it as Health Insurance. You pay money every year for them to store your child's cord blood in case he or any blood relative gets ill with 80 different diseases (there are specific ones the blood cures). So if my parents, or phil's dad or our siblings get sick, our baby's cord blood can help them. Obviously if our child gets sick, his cord blood helps him too.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rihanna was AWESOME!

I think the title says it all people! Rihanna was the best concert I've ever been to. Last year, Jackie and I went to see NKOTB and I thought that was the best concert to date. Wow, Rihanna blows away any boy band concert I've ever been to. And you all know how i love my BSB. I rocked out to all her songs, singing my little heart out! Picture an 8 month pregnant girl belting out and dancing to Rihanna! AMAZING! She sang for an hour and a half, but it felt like only a half hour. Her costume changes were speedy, which shouldn't be surprising cause she didn't have much to change into, lol. But she looked great! I have a new girl crush. Angelina Jolie who?
Anyways, from now on I only listen to Rihanna (and Flo Rida) in the car. lol.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

30 Weeks and counting!

Well here is a pregnancy update for those of you who are still reading this. I have only 10 more weeks to go. Seems like a long time, but really it will fly by. We still don't have a name picked out. But it's narrowed down to Noah or Leo. We won't name him until he is born. Some people look at us weird when we tell them we are going to wait to see what he looks like. People say "that's dumb" well i say "you are dumb" ha ha ha. Some people agree with me. Some baby's just don't look like the name you have picked out. He may not look like a Leo or Noah or he may just come out and be a girl, in that case he'll be an Annie. ha ha ha. My OB says "those ultrasounds are only 95 % right and I just delievered two that were wrong" so take that!!! ha ha ha. I love my OB. I'm starting to get really tired again just like the first three months. It almost feels like i'm going backwards. I have most of the same symptoms as I did the first three months. It's weird. I'll try and get a pic of me this weekend while I'm away at my uncle's house and post it/ send it to some friends. There isn't much else to tell. Every time I go to my OB he says everything is perfect. Which is very nice to hear. I'm measuring the right size. I went for my Rhogam shot. For those who don't know what that is, if you are a negative blood type, which i am A negative, i don't have the right antibodies that a postitive blood type has and my body will think the baby is a foreign object if our blood mixes somehow and will reject the baby. So at 28 weeks they send you to the hospital for a Rhogam shot that is full of certain antibodies to prevent things from going wrong. Oh and I also had a glucose test (twice) to see if I have gestational diabeties. The second test was because my first one came back slightly elevated. The second test was not fun. I almost passed out in the blood test waiting room. Now we are just trying to get the room ready and set up and just patiently await his arrival. Stay tuned for pics.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Baby Update!

Well i am currently 22 weeks. Two weeks ago we found out we are having a boy!!! However, when I went to my ob, he told me those are only 95% accurate and he JUST delievered TWO babies that were the opposite of what their parents were told. Wow. That's not cool. ha ha ha. Phil heard that and he wass all "don't register for too much blue". Which he is NEVER allowed to register with me ever again. While I went to the washroom, I gave him ONE task to do, hand in the registering gun. What did he do? He put a 600 dollar crib AND a 300 rocking chair. ARE YOU FREAKIN NUTS?????????? urgh, i was so ticked.
Also you know how pregnant women have all these different foods we aren't allowed to eat? I asked my ob about that and he said "it's bullshit and I'd like to meet the person who started that whole thing about not eating certain foods". He said to do/eat whatever I want unless he tells me No. AND I'm to let my kids eat dirt so they don't develop ashma. Apparently the reason why sooo many kids have immune problems and ashma is because their parents are too clean with them and don't let them get dirty. Good point.
Yesterday I played a dance song called Winter by Max Graham. and put the ear phones on my tummy and he went nuts. I got elbowed tons. It was a very cool feeling!! Can't wait until he gets bigger and Phil and others can feel him moving about inside. Soon we will get to meet him. I am less than half way through. woo hoo!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

wow it's been a long time

So as you all are aware, 3 months after a miscarriage IS the magic number. Phil and I are 'with child" ha ha ha. It happened right at the third month. I am now 17 weeks and 6 days. ha ha ha that is how they calculate things. My due date is Oct 6th. The first three months were not fun. I felt sick all the time and very very tired. and in the 12th week it was like a light switch went on and i felt 85% better. a lot less tired and not sick at all. We have had two ultra sounds so far (the first one was because of a scare i had, but turned out i had a normal abnormalty called implantation bleeding) ha ha ha. tmi I know. Then I had a second ultra sound for that prenatal screening, that was at week 12. At week 14 or so my dr put the "doppler" heart rate thingy on me and I heard the heart beat very loud and clear.
Other big news, I'm off to see my fav singer, Rihanna in Aug and I CAN"T WAIT!!!!!!! I have been dying to see her in concert for a very long time. Now all I need is for Flo Rida to come to The big city and i'm set for life.
We haven't done much yet in prepartation for the baby's room. I would like to wait until i know it's a boy or girl, yes we are going to find out. Phil isn't much into spur of the moment or surprises.
This weekend (mother's day) is our first anniversary. Where the heck did the time go?
i should probably go out and get an anniversary gift as well as a mother's day gift. hmmmmm, is the first year paper?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Life is too Short, enjoy it!

Something happened two weeks ago that really made me stop in my tracks and think to myself "wow, you never know what life will bring". I got a very sad text message from a friend two saturday mornings ago. It said "I have some very sad and shocking news to tell you, Dave passed away" I was floored. A guy I have known since i was 16 (we worked together at the arenas), passed away suddenly, at the young age of 44. That is sooooooo sad. I had no idea what to say or do. He sent an email out at 9:30pm thursday night (this is what I waws told by another arena friend) and then didn't come to work on friday morning. I can't believe Dave is gone. It really makes you stop and realize life is way too short and you HAVE to live each day to it's fullest, no matter what!
Dave was the nicest guy you'd ever meet. You'd say "hi" to him and he'd giggle. He loved to laugh. He was never in a bad mood, or at least never showed it. This is what makes it hard for his friends and family, he was a great person.
I'm just writing today to remind everyone, life is precious, so don't take it for granted!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Some very exciting news!!!

Let me start by saying, I'M HEATHER'S MAID OF HONOUR!!!! woo hoo, this is sooo exciting for me. I have to get online and look for cool things to do for her and Aaron.
I can't wait to see my bestest friend get married in front of a small crowd of people.
Update on Patrick Swayze's autobio....he met Jennifer Gray onset of Red Dawn. I already knew they didn't like one another while filming Dirty Dancing but I didn't know it stemmed back to the movie Red Dawn and it was there that they first met. As I read his book, I get very sad. Here I am reading this book of the greatest actor in my time and it's his words on the page I read and he is gone. It is very sad.
Phil and I started trying again for a baby. They say three months is the magic number. I just finished being three months since the m/c. I even bought an ovulation kit (yes Jack, I broke down and bought one). Every one I have talked to that has had a m/c conceived after three months. I won't know for about a week or so if it worked for us. I'll keep you all posted.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So Excited!

Well as most of you probably already know, my best friend in the whole entire world is getting MARRIED and I am sooooo happy for her, aka Heather!!! I love this chicky with all my heart. I can't wait until her big day, (which is going to be when?) I have seen this chicky through thick and thin and vise versa. I know A-Ron is going to be a great husband to her and she deserves it. I'll never forget the first time she ever told me about him. It was A-ron this and A-ron that. ha ha ha. "we met in the stairway today"....good job Heather. ha ha ha. I remember sitting in her appartment (when we lived together for a bit) and the romantic things she said. Sooo cute. The more and more time I spend with him, he really reminds me of Phil. They are a lot alike (especailly with the whole decorating thing) and here I thought I was the only one with a metrosexual hubby. Welcome to my world babe. Next thing, he'll be planning your wedding, trust me! ha ha ha. Heather, I just want you to know that I love you (since kindergarten). And now that you are getting married, we can have babies together! woo hoo! But seriously, I am so happy for you and very proud to call you my friend and my sister! MUA!!! xoxoxoxoxo

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A tribute blog to Jackie!!

My friend Jackie and I have been really close friends since we were in grade 8. I remember it quite clear. I was upset because in grade 8 she invited some girls to her birthday party, but didn't invite me!! THEN she wrote in my yearbook in grade like 10...."nice to be your aquantance". I was soooo upset. I thought we were more than that. Turns out we were. Jackie later explained what she was meant when she wrote that (but not until we were in our 20's). Over the years Jackie and I went our separate ways in university. But, we remained friends and we were always there for eachother when we got lonely. I would go visit her and we'd talk on the phone when she was lonely and missing home and didn't want to go out. It was in university where we both met girls named Alicia and these Alicia's turned out to become each of our best friends (does that make sense?) Jackie has seen me go through a lot and like she said in her blog, she always thought about her friends even though we may think she wasn't. It wasn't until recently she told me that she was soooo worried about me making the wrong decision 4 years ago and wanted to stop my relationship i had before Phil. It's always nice to hear that your friends care so much about you!!! I am very proud to call Jack my friend and am glad we have stayed friends for soooooo long and I couldn't see my life without her. I am going to miss her soooo much while she is gone living her dream for a year! You go girl!!! You may be gone for a long time but it will allllll be worth it in the end. And always remember you can come live at my house when you get back. We have a complete basement for you, bathroom with shower and all!!! It's there for you when you need it (rent free!! ha ha ha). I love you and will miss you! Keep reading my blog so you can stayed connected about what is going on here with all of us!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Patrick Swayze, I had the Time of my Life! (Cole's Notes version)

So one of my gifts from Phil was Patrick Swayze's autobiography (which i was told means he wrote it) ha ha ha. So in conversation Jackie and I keep talking about coincendences. We are both all about things happening for reasons and what have you. Well I started reading my Patrick Swayze book and almost had to put it away for a bit because it was just too sad for me (and I was only on the prologue). He discribed how he found out he had cancer and the first signs he felt. Then through reading, we have many simularites (or as Jackie would say, he has lots of simularities with my dad). Anyways, his dad's name was Jesse (just like me)! My dad was born, Aug 21st 1952, and Patrick was born Aug 18th, 1952. My parents got married June 22, 1974 and Patrick and Lisa got married June 12th, 1975. Patrick also worked at a hockey arena, just like me!! It's like we were meant to be...ha ha ha.
On a serious note, it's a very good book and I will give you the coles notes on it as I get farther and farther along.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A year in Review!!

Wow, where do i begin? Thank goodness I didn't title this "A decade in review". Well, it was a very busy year with many ups and downs. In Jan of 2009, we were planning a wedding, a honeymoon and worrying about a house. May 2009, I got married and had the best time of my friggin' life. I will never ever forget that night for as long as i live. That whole night was every thing I had ever wanted in life/a wedding. It makes me smile when my friends and family say things like "yup, that was totally a Jess wedding" or that it reminded them of me and Phil. Then Phil and I went on our honeymoon to Barbados (I should probably get those photos developed). Then we came back and the house hunt became very serious. Two weeks after we got back we found our dream house. In such a short time we transformed this pink and brown house to how we wanted it. It still needs lots of work (like paint and decorations) but that will come in time. Then right away I became pregnant only to find out at week 12 that the baby stopped growing at 6.5 weeks. That was horrible and I never want anyone to have to experiance that ever!! We had our first Christmas in our new house and we have been busy entertaining a few people here and there. Christmas was a great success at the Policelli house and New Years Eve was a night we will be talking about for a while (at my expense mind you). I'd like to forget that evening but people keep bringing it up. ha ha ha. So when I look back at the year in review, all i can think of is "what a year it was". I hope this year is even bigger and better than the last. Our lives have only just started to begin.
Keep checking back here people because I have learned a lot of things from reading Patrick Swayze's biography that I am dying to share with you ALL!!!