Tuesday, July 27, 2010

30 Weeks and counting!

Well here is a pregnancy update for those of you who are still reading this. I have only 10 more weeks to go. Seems like a long time, but really it will fly by. We still don't have a name picked out. But it's narrowed down to Noah or Leo. We won't name him until he is born. Some people look at us weird when we tell them we are going to wait to see what he looks like. People say "that's dumb" well i say "you are dumb" ha ha ha. Some people agree with me. Some baby's just don't look like the name you have picked out. He may not look like a Leo or Noah or he may just come out and be a girl, in that case he'll be an Annie. ha ha ha. My OB says "those ultrasounds are only 95 % right and I just delievered two that were wrong" so take that!!! ha ha ha. I love my OB. I'm starting to get really tired again just like the first three months. It almost feels like i'm going backwards. I have most of the same symptoms as I did the first three months. It's weird. I'll try and get a pic of me this weekend while I'm away at my uncle's house and post it/ send it to some friends. There isn't much else to tell. Every time I go to my OB he says everything is perfect. Which is very nice to hear. I'm measuring the right size. I went for my Rhogam shot. For those who don't know what that is, if you are a negative blood type, which i am A negative, i don't have the right antibodies that a postitive blood type has and my body will think the baby is a foreign object if our blood mixes somehow and will reject the baby. So at 28 weeks they send you to the hospital for a Rhogam shot that is full of certain antibodies to prevent things from going wrong. Oh and I also had a glucose test (twice) to see if I have gestational diabeties. The second test was because my first one came back slightly elevated. The second test was not fun. I almost passed out in the blood test waiting room. Now we are just trying to get the room ready and set up and just patiently await his arrival. Stay tuned for pics.